Dream with Me. Cheer on God.

Last night prior to going to sleep I prayed and asked God to reveal to me what he desires me to do to assist him. In my dreams I envisioned myself as a mascot dressed in regalia similar to what we see at a football game. In fact, I was cheering with the cheerleaders at various football games, and I seemed to be a new type of mascot in that I could fly above the worldly game and enter into the skies above. As those at the game watched they marveled that the mascot could fly above the noise and rise to new levels. In time, other mascots began to appear and follow the mascot I had been acting as. The masses began to grow. New mascots of all types and sizes began to cheer and lead others in the same manner I had at the beginning of the dream. The following grew and people began to mimic those cheering.

What do I feel this means? Well, in all honesty I feel God is seeking cheerleaders for his cause. Too often we are focused on the things of this world most especially entertainment. We root for our favorite teams; we cheer when our favorite TV show releases a new show, we bask in the glory of songs from our favorite bands no matter the genre or words. Yet, we do NOT cheer on God nor his words. If we do, it is not with the enthusiasm as we do so for sports etc. We have false Gods that we do not recognize as such. How often do enjoy a movie more so than attending church? Just asking.

I believe God is asking me to rise above the noise and enter into his realm of being. There I will find others who are of like minds that will do the same. In that manner we will bring people back to faith. I am not to focus on the game below but on Heavenly things. What game? The game of man. The one in which we are tempted to agree with the rules of man and not of the Bible. The one in which fear has been placed into our hearts about the future. The same one that entices us to buy worldly goods that we will not take with us into the heavens when we ultimately die. Goods that we may not even need.

Beginning today, may we take on the challenge to be cheerleaders for God. May we tell others of the great things he has done for us in word and in action. May we lift up our voices in praise and sing his glorious hymns. May we pray to him all the while conversing with him as to what he desires we do for his body. May we cry out to the angels that guide us and stay by our sides.

Dream with me dear ones. Love God, cheer him on. Open your hearts and serve him as he acknowledges all you do.

Author: PamelaTaylorOhio

I am a Christian who seeks to serve God with my whole heart, my whole soul, and my whole mind to the best of my ability. May my writings enhance your life and plant seeds of faith along this path we trod. God bless.

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